By Ian Mendes (The Athletic)

LAS VEGAS — Travis Green stood on the draft floor on Friday night with nothing on his agenda.

Head coaches rarely have any responsibilities on draft weekend, often showing up to the event to simply network with others in the industry. They rarely chime into the heated discussions with amateur scouts at the draft table, unless they have a personal connection to a prospect.

“Obviously coaches don’t have a lot going on,” said Green. “But just being down on the draft floor, you grow up watching this. So there’s nothing like being down here and feeling the excitement.”

But Green’s workload is going to pick up significantly this week. He flew to Ottawa following his brief appearance at the draft in Las Vegas, in preparation for the start of free agency and the club’s development camp. It will mark the first time that Green and his newly assembled staff will have a chance to be in the same room and discuss their philosophy and approach to the coming season.

As part of an extended interview with The Athletic, Green said his new staff has three full days of meetings on the schedule.

“I’m looking forward to this week,” said Green. “It’s our first chance to talk about our team identity and structure. What do we want to be about with the fabric of this group?”

When asked about expanding on his idea for a team identity and structure, Green said he knows exactly the style and elements he wants to see deployed by the Senators in the 2024-25 season.

“I have a very clear vision of how I like my teams to play and how I want our team to play,” explained Green. ‘When you watch playoff hockey, it’s easy to see. There are certain things that are non-negotiable.”

So what are those non-negotiable items for Green?

That’s when the new head coach promptly — but politely — ended that line of questioning.

“I want to talk to our team before I talk about it in the media,” said Green. “But there is a certain look I want our team to have.”

Green has already started the process of communicating with his players, although he characterizes those conversations more in line with casual, introductory chats. Shortly after he was hired in early May, Green said he made it a priority to reach out to every single player on the Senators roster.

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